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Welcome to Vermont Adult Learning!

Vermont Adult Learning helps adult learners, ages 16 and older, acquire reading, writing, math, and computer skills to earn high school diplomas/GEDs. We teach English Language Learners skills to advance educationally and at work. We engage in workforce development. Our services are offered at no cost and are available in person and online.  Text VAL to 833-900-0907 or contact a Learning Center nearest to you to learn more!

Interested in remote learning? Check out VAL’s Online Learning Center (OLC) course catalog.

Note for in-person learning: We no longer require masks in our learning centers. Anyone at high risk or wishing to continue wearing a mask for other reasons is welcome to do so. We will continue to have masks available in our centers for those who need them.

Those who choose to wear a mask do so because it is a decision they have made for their health and safety. Vermont Adult Learning expects that decision to be respected. If you have concerns about your safety, please let us know so we can discuss options to address them.

Learning Matters Blog and VAL Updates

Attention Enosburgh Falls Shoppers! (8/31/2024) - $1 from each Hannaford Helps bag purchased at the 77 Jay View Drive location in Enosburgh Falls during the month of September will be donated to Vermont Adult Learning! Help the environment while supporting VT Adult Learning. Please share with anyone you know who shops in that region!

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Just a Few Days Left to Our Lawson’s Finest Benefit! (8/28/2024) - There are still a few days left to grab a drink or a bite while Vermont Adult Learning is currently "on tap" at the Lawson's Finest Liquids Taproom, meaning we will receive 100% of gratuities through August 31! Because Lawson’s Finest provides their staff with a living wage and generous benefits package, they are able to direct 100% of guest donations to local charities through their Sunshine Fund. The Sunshine Fund is the heart of Lawson's Social Impact Program designed to help local communities thrive. When guests visit the Taproom and decide to add any gratuity to their bill, that…

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Hands-On Learning with the Burlington Fire Department (8/20/2024) - In July, two of the Chittenden English classes taught by Beverly Keim had a whole day together in downtown Burlington... Read more about the class' day together in Beverly's reflection, below: In July, two of the Chittenden English classes I teach had a whole day together in downtown Burlington. Although it was a damp day, we had a great time.   In the morning, we met at the Central Fire Station in the middle of downtown, where the crew that was currently on shift generously led us through a fascinating tour. They showed us the different features of different trucks, and…

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Lawson’s Finest Sunshine Fund Benefit August 16-31st (8/16/2024) - Starting today through August 31st, 100% of donations made at the Lawson's Finest Liquids taproom in Waitsfield will go to Vermont Adult Learning in support of our mission and services. We hope you'll take this opportunity to raise a glass to adult education! Can't make it to the taproom but you'd still like to support our students? No problem! Make a secure online donation at tinyurl.com/VALueLearning.

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Celebrating South Asian Heritage Month (8/6/2024) - July 18 - August 17 is South Asian Heritage Month, celebrating the heritage of people with roots in the South Asian countries of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Maldives. This year's theme is Free to Be Me. Unlike most commemoration months, SAHM takes place across two Western calendar months (July and August). The reason for this is that it respects the traditions of the South Asian solar calendar and 18 July – 17 August contains several significant dates: 18 July: the Indian Independence Act of 1947 gained royal assent[8] 26 July: Maldives Independence Day 8 August: Bhutan Independence Day 14 August: Pakistani…

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