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Celebrating Native American Heritage: A Student Visit to the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi


Posted on Friday, November 1, 2024, at 1:00 AM

Today marks the beginning of Native American Heritage Month, a time to honor the rich history, resilience, and enduring contributions of Native American communities across the country. At Vermont Adult Learning, we are excited to share a glimpse into a recent experience our students had, one that brought them closer to the legacy and contemporary life of Indigenous communities in Vermont.

Last month, in recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Day and to deepen their understanding of Native culture, students taught by Dawn Manchester Austin and Kristy Hancox visited the Abenaki Tribal Center in Swanton, VT. The Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, led by Chief Brenda Gagne, serves as both a guardian of tribal heritage and a vibrant part of the community. Their mission centers around strengthening connections through cultural preservation, an essential anchor for members and neighbors alike.

During the visit, students learned about the tribal history dating back to the early 1600s, including the 40 core families whose descendants still reside here today. The center itself is a hub of resources for both Tribal Members and the greater Swanton area. It hosts a range of vital programs, from a Food Pantry and support for Domestic and Sexual Violence survivors to Medical and Health services, the Indian Education Program, and an after-school program. Events throughout the year create spaces for community, celebration, and support.

In our ongoing partnership with the Abenaki Nation of Missisquoi, Vermont Adult Learning is honored to provide on-site services each week, helping to connect learners to resources and educational opportunities. This collaboration is a vital step in our mission to uplift and empower our learners within the communities they call home.

© Vermont Adult Learning

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