Workforce Development is an approach to economic development that focuses on educating and training individuals within a geographical region to meet the needs of present and future employers.
Vermont Adult Learning is an active player in Vermont’s Workforce Development initiatives. Students engaged in our educational programs are actively preparing to enhance their job prospects, gaining experience while earning Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs). We are prepared to facilitate design, recruit, deliver content and provide job placement and support.
For more information, contact Kim Rupe Lennox at [email protected].
For students enrolled in our Adult Basic Education, High School Completion, and English Language Learning programs, we offer: Job Goal Planning; Job Readiness Assessments; Education Exploration; Skills, Interests and Values Identification; Resumes & Cover Letters; References; Interview Prep; Job Search & Application Assistance; Networking; Etiquette and Job Retention Supports.
Contact your regional office for more information:
Energy Works is a statewide program that prepares Vermonters for fulfilling careers in the green energy sector by combining job training with forward-thinking employers.
No experience necessary. The training is FREE. Participants can earn up to a $1000 stipend upon completion. Transportation and childcare assistance is available for the duration of the training. Industry-recognized credentials are included at no charge.
Vermont Adult Learning contracts with local employers in Learning at Work, bringing high-quality, English language instruction to Vermont workplaces.
Recent employment partners include Rhino Foods, Twincraft, UVM Medical Center Environmental Services, and UVM Custodial Services.
For more information, please contact [email protected].
Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC) provides grants, loans, scholarships, career and education planning, and general information about how you or your family members can pursue certificate or higher education programs. Visit:
© Vermont Adult Learning