VAL’s Board of Trustees consists of nine community members who help guide our organization from behind the scenes. Get to know Board members like Jim in our latest profile series and be sure to check out his recent Super Senior feature from WCAX!
Name: Jim Coutts
Role outside of VAL: I am retired and involved with several nonprofit organizations, the DAIL (Vermont Department of Aging and Independent Living) Advisory Board, Habitat for Humanity, and several small community Boards.
Where were you born? I was born in College Point, Queens (New York City). I am a first-generation US citizen.
What is your educational background? I received an MBA in Finance from Providence College and another in Administration from Bryant University where I also earned a B.S., degree. I was an instructor at Providence College and CCVA and an adjunct at Johnson State.
What is a unique hobby or interest you have? I am an avid hunter.
How do you enjoy spending your free time? I enjoy spending time with my family and enjoy working the farmland (my wife is a 7th generation Vermonter who grew up on the farm and was born in the house).
How long have you been a Board member? I have been a board member for 10 years and chaired the Finance Committee until becoming Board Chair.
Why did you choose to join VAL’s Board of Trustees? I was asked by two former Board members to join. My interest in Adult Education stems from my own experience as an Adult Student and from starting an apprentice program in Rhode Island where I was managing a Medical Device Manufacturing company. After relocating to Vermont, I started a State-sponsored Mechanical Skills training program in Franklin County.
What do you find most satisfying about serving on our Board? I know that given the proper guidance and training students can thrive. VAL is a crucial part of the economic recovery after COVID. Val succeeds when our Staff and Students succeed.