VAL’s Board of Trustees consists of nine community members who help guide our organization from behind the scenes. Get to know Board members like Rich in our latest profile series!
Name: Rich Tulikangas
Role outside of VAL: Career Advancement Director, HireAbility Vermont (until retirement on 6/30/2023).
Where were you born? Hancock, Michigan.
What is your educational background? Bachelor of Natural Resources from the University of Michigan, Masters of Education, University of Vermont.
What is a unique hobby or interest you have? I am a Great Lakes ships boat nerd.
How do you enjoy spending your free time? Spending time with my kids and grandchildren, riding my bike, playing hockey, and playing pub trivia.
How long have you been a Board member? 9 years.
Why did you choose to join VAL’s Board of Trustees? Its mission is consistent with mine related to preparing at-risk youth and adults for educational and employment success.
What do you find most satisfying about serving on our Board? Supporting the work of an essential Vermont nonprofit organization.