Peter is an Employment & Training Specialist at Vermont Adult Learning. As part of his work with VAL, Peter opens doors for participants to go further with their education, job and speciality training. Peter helps participants accomplish this through job shadowing, certificate programs, and other programs such as the Strengthening Working Families Initiative (SWFI); it is a varied role, taking on the positions of mentor, job coach, facilitator and educator.
Peter earned a dual Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Criminal Justice from Southern Vermont College. He subsequently worked for various government and state agencies. He has been working at VAL for approximately eight years.
Peter’s favorite part of working at VAL is the relaxed and trusting environment. Whenever Peter speaks to management he feels his opinion is valued.
The past year and a half has made things “a little odd.” However, he stated that his position allows for a decent amount of flexibility. During the pandemic, it is more important than ever to establish boundaries between work and home. Because so much of his work is done at home there is more need to separate to create clear boundaries between work and home. He gave an example, stating that you need to decide whether you send emails on a Sunday or wait until the official work week begins.
In response to asking why VAL’s work matters, Peter explained that VAL serves people who are disenfranchised, those that are forgotten about. VAL is there to notice them and help them. Peter said that the chances and opportunities VAL provides people is what drew him to the position.
Peter also stated that VAL is an example of how far the education system has come with its diversity of teaching methods.
This profile was written by Rebecca Shames, VAL Development & Communications Intern.