Martha Adams, a resident of South Royalton, has been appointed to serve as a student/alumni representative on Vermont Adult Learning’s Board of Trustees. She is a full-time student at the Community College of Vermont, pursuing a double major in Early Childhood Education and Business. She has been invited to her college’s chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. She is married and homeschools, in her words, “an amazing little boy.”
“I am excited to have been chosen to serve on the Board of Vermont Adult Learning,” Adams said. “I’m able to bring the students’ perspective into those meetings, an amazing asset for Vermont Adult Learning and the current students. Being able to continue to be a part of the organization after graduating is a blessing as they have done so much to help my husband and me to be where we are today!”
Vermont Adult Learning’s Mission is to create an innovative, inclusive and equitable learning environment that provides personalized opportunities for education and career development for Vermont residents by building relationships, strengthening communities and fostering life-long learning. Learn more at